If the item you received arrived doesn't match the description, you should follow the steps below:
Compare the items you received to the description on the product detail page. Please allow the 20% difference between advertised images and the actual item you received as sometimes advertised images may be slightly different from actual items in terms of color due to the lighting during photo shooting or the monitor's display.
If your items are still significantly different compared to the photos or description, please Contact us, send us photos of the items you received and the received package's cover including the detailed shipping label to best assist you.
If the product is defective or does not properly function as advertised, feel free to let us know. We will take responsibility for any damage that occurred during the production process and delivery.
Please note that the most optimal pictures should be taken on a flat surface, with the tag and error of the items clearly displayed. We’ll send you replacements as soon as we confirm the situation, no need to return the defective ones. We will use this information to help you with your order, and eliminate errors in the future.
Caution: This warranty only covers manufacturing defects and does not cover:
Damage caused by accident
Improper care
Normal wear and tear
Break down of colors and materials due to sun exposure
Aftermarket modification
Our policy may last 14 days from the arrival date. If 14 days have gone by since you received the item, unfortunately, we can’t offer you a full refund or replacement.